Auto & Truck Accidents.

auto accident lawyer st. joseph mo

Trusted Auto Accident Lawyer  in St. Joseph, MO

When you have been seriously injured in a car wreck or truck accident, don’t settle for less than what you need for a full recovery.

I represent clients who have suffered personal injuries or property damage in automobile, motorcycle, truck, or bus accidents, such as those which involve drunk driving, hit and run, uninsured or underinsured drivers, in addition to SUV and semi-tractor trailer collisions or rollovers.

This includes car accidents resulting from defective products or design in automobiles and trucks, such as defective tires, gas tanks or seatbelts.

These types of accidents may leave the victim with permanent injuries that require ongoing medical care, missed work, disfigurement or even permanent disability that prevents them from ever returning to the same job.

An insurance company will likely offer you a settlement. You should seek competent counsel about whether you should accept it.  I can explain your rights and make sure you get fairly compensated for your accident, including any lost income, future earnings and future medical needs.

When you are in a car or truck accident, you may not know right away how serious the injury is. It is never a good idea to take a settlement from an insurance company without first consulting an attorney who specializes in accident and injury law. You may have injuries that are not immediately apparent such as a closed head injury, partial paralysis, loss of range of motion, or other disability or need for surgery that is not immediately apparent.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto or truck accident, contact me online or call (816) 279-0861 directly to set up a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your legal options.